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This is the name people will know you as in-game. It's case-sensitive, so be sure to get that right when you register!
Your friend's ID number goes here; they get bonuses for referring you so try not to forget this part if they told you about the game!

Latest News

August 18th

JOAJ will be ending today at reset, in about 7 hours, spend it while you have it!

Posted by: Midith

Latest Update

October 19th

- Halloween Event will be live at server reset tonight.
- Updated the Halloween Promo, upped the rewards slightly and added in a personal cash JOAJ maxed out at 5% ($50)
- Updated Halloween Candy to give 10mins of Dec instead of 30 mins of Quad.
- There are 10 new Halloween Ranks to be found this year.
- Changed the logic behind how new ranks are found vs previous years. You have a much better chance of finding this years than previous.
- Started process of moving ranks to a separate css file instead of saving full css in the db. This is the begining of the wardrobe rewrite i plan to do. (requires refresh to load new css filel)

As usual, any bugs or issues please let me know!

Posted by: Midith